ж. Ж.
and Gardens.
Gayle Goodson Butler
Editor in Chief
K itty M organ
Lam ont D, Olson
M ichael D, Belknap
Executive Ednor
Managing Editor
An Director
H om e D esign
Senior Dcpuiy Editor
Qma Blaise Ford
A ssistant Deputy Editor
K elly Ryan Kegans
East Coast Editor
K ristin e K e n n e d y
Wear Coast Editor
Paige Porter Fischer
Senior Editors
A m y Fan os
K it S e lz e r
Assistant Editor
Joanna L in b erg
Senior Interior Designer
Joseph Boehm
Editorial Assistants
P eggy D a u g h e rty
R en ae G ray
Editorial Director* Holiday and Celebrations
Bridget Sandquist
Senior Digital Editor
K aelin ZawiliriskE
Holiday and Lifestyle Digital Editor
K a th e rin e C. P arker
Associate Digital Editor
V e ro n ic a T o n e y
F o o d & E n t e r t a i n i n g
Senior D eputy Editor
N a n cy Wall H o p k in s
Senior Editor
R ich ard Sure a rin ger
A ssociate Edit or
E rin S im p so n
Editorial Assistant
R en ee Irey
Senior Digital Editor
H e a th e r M o rg a n E h q tt
Social Media Editor
Rachel Martin
Assistant Digital Editor
C a tie B ie le ck i
G ard en
Dcpuiy Editor
Eric Lis key
Senior A ssociate Editor
Jane Austin M cK eo n
Senior Digital Editor
Justin H an cock
L ife sty le
Senior Deputy Editor, Lifestyle
K a th e rin e F u sh k a r
Beauty Director
M e lissa M iirad G o ld ste in
Health Editor
Erin Quinlan
A ssociate Editor
K elly
Ц і
Editorial Assistant
D oris L oh rm an
A r t
Style Director
S te p h e n P e rfe tto
D eputy Art Directors
S h e lle y C a ld w e ll
Scott J, Johnson
K arla Jo K n ip p e r
Graphic Designer
M aggie M oyer
Photography Coordinator
H olly P ru e tt
A ssociate M anaging Editor
S a lly F in d e r
Group Copy Chief
Kristi Chew
Copy Editor
C .R .
Production Editor
C in d y M u rp h y
Office M anager
G in ger Bassett
Adm inistrative Assistant
Linda Newsom
Test Kitchen Director
Lynn B lan ch ard
Teat Garden M anager
S a n d ra J. G e rd cs
Color Quality M anager
Tony Hunt
Prepress Desktop Specialists
Jon Pugh* B rian Frank
Quality/Technical Director
D ave W o lv c k
Group Editorial Loaders
Brand Leader
G ayle G o o d so n B u tler
Home Design
Jill W a a ge
K itty M o rg a n
D ou g J im erso n
L am on t Qlson
Special Interest Media
G reg K eyk o
Contributing Editors
Elaine Griffin* Design; Danny Lipfond, Design; Scott Peacock, Food; Debra Printing* Garden
Health Advisory Panel
Lynne? T. Shusien M.D.h
Mayo GJinich
Rochester^ MN; Megan T. Sandelj M.D., Boston Medical Center and Children^
Hospital* Boston; Melina E, Jampolis, M-Dr, Los Angelos; Cedric X. Bryant, Ph,Dr* American Council on Екєгсібє,
San Diego; Heidi A., Waldorf* M*D,,
Regional Contributors
Lisa Mcv.ty, Atlanta; Barbara Nielsen* Ватоп Rouge, LA; Sandra Mohtmann, Charleston, SC; Elaine Markoutsas* Slurley Remes*
Hilary Hose, Chicago; Diane Chrrollf Fayetteville, AK; Denise Ceef Dallas; Khiisti ZimmetftN
Detroit; Eileen Alexandra Deymiert
Easton, MD: Susan Fee:, Galveston,
Joetta Moulden, Houston: Betsy Hams, Indianapolis; Susan Andrews* Marty Foss, Kansas
City; Stephanie Rommel, Lexington, KY; Robin Tucker* Laura Hull, Los Angeles; Shaven Gilliam* Aleeia Stevens, Minneapolis; Stacy
Kunstcl* NH; Anna Molvik* New Раїсг* NY; Bonnie Maharani, John Loeckc, Nw; York; Cyntliia Bogart, Rl; Susan Salomon Portland,
ME; Barbara Mimdall, Jan Behrs, Portland, OH; Bonnie Eroten, Helen Y «
t, Raleigh, NC; Andrea Caugfiey, San Diego; Donna Talley,
Saratoga Springs* NY; Tirsh Maharam, Loralee Wenger, Seattle; Heather Lobdell, Tibui on, GA; Karin Lidbeck-Brcnt, Woodbuty, CT
@ Copyright M eredith Corporation 2010, AH rights reserved. Printed in the U,$.A,
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